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Training Cheat Sheets

This password protected, customer-only training content gives you all the information you need to master the software. Click the side menu to begin your Digital Dispatcher Jedi training.

Fuel Delivery.png
Route Optimization X.png
Real Time Updates X.png
Fleet Tracking X.png
Point of Sale Invoicing X.png
Inventory Tracking X.png
Instant Dispatch X.png
Electronic Batch Posting X.png
Turn By Turn Directions X.png
Flat Rate Billing X.png


1. Select File from the tool bar and a menu list will open.

2. From the menu list select Truck Table and the truck table window will open showing the list of trucks that are assigned to Digital Dispatcher.

3. Place you mouse pointer over the truck number you wish to add/edit truck compartments, and a small menu list will open.

4. Select Compartments from the menu, and a compartments and product window will open.

5. Select ADD from the current window and the truck Compartment Edit window will appear.


6. Begin to add the data to the following fields.

  • Compartment- Compartment refers to the meter’s product code, or area of the meters register that the product is being calibrated though. Some registers have several compartments, or meter products that have different calibration factors for the different products that a truck could possibly deliver.

  • Product- Select the drop down arrow to view all of company’s product codes and select the desired product to be paired to the entered Compartment.

  • Capacity- Enter the trucks capacity for the product selected in units such as gallons or liters.

  • Quantity on Board- Enter the known number of units that is currently on the truck for the product selected. If this is not known, enter “0”.

  • Jurisdiction- This would normally be the home state in which you do business. You can enter an abbreviation like PA for Pennsylvania.

7. After entering all of the data select, Add/Edit to save and list the product on the Compartments and Products table.

Repeat this procedure for every product that the truck could possibly deliver.

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