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Point of Sale Invoicing

What it is

Digital Dispatcher’s Point of Sale Invoicing Tool is a wireless, real-time invoicing and proof of delivery/service solution for the Delivery, Fleet Fueling, HVAC and other Field Service industries.

For bulk products such as propane, heating oil, diesel, lubricants, and chemicals, DD’s POS solution manages the entire process from capturing metered volume, applying price, taxes, discounts, additional charges, and printing a detailed invoice. It also allows for processing and recording payments.


For the HVAC and other field service industries, the solution captures service work performed, work recommendations, inventory used, instrument readings, electronic signature, photos, video, and other customer data. The solution provides on-site and flat rate billing, and allows invoices to be emailed and/or printed to be left with the customer. It is all done on the latest Android smart phones and tablets (rugged military spec versions available).

All POS data captured in the field are wirelessly sent back to the host office for review and posting to the customer’s accounting record.

What it does

  • Offers seamless interface with large and small back office software suites.

  • Provides on-site billing.

  • Streamlines inventory tracking of fuels and service parts.

  • Records delivery and work detail

  • Creates POS invoice receipts and shift reports.

  • Tracks product transfers, partial fills, pump-outs, gravity drops, end shifts, etc.

  • Drivers can see wireless fill information from meter or enter manually, charge miscellaneous fees, record payments, print invoices, etc.

  • Invoices are fully customizable and can be printed using a variety of printers.

  • HVAC and field service techs can track all parts used as well as input notes and document recommendations for future work opportunities (repair/replacement suggestions from on-site technicians).

  • Handles the most complex combination of taxes, fees, charges, discounts, etc.

  • Integrates a custom electronic flat rate program to simplify on-site billing and improve labor rates.

  • Offers immediate, real-time access to job and fleet status, allowing for proactive management of field assets.

  • Provides automatic electronic batch uploads to back office software.

  • Communicates wirelessly with meter registers for delivery and fleet fueling.

  • Captures time, date and geo-location information at each job.

  • Provides electronic signature capture.

Why you need it

With operating costs rising, it does not make sense to spend time or money on unnecessary paperwork, invoicing, postage, and handling. Free your office staff from excess clerical and administrative work. Enables your team to focus on more profitable activities such as customer service and new sales opportunities. Keep ahead of your competitors that are implementing cost saving technology. This valuable tool provides a competitive advantage to increase margins, cut costs, and compete in a tough market.

Digital Dispatcher’s Point of Sale Invoicing Tool:

  • Reduces administrative and clerical costs via electronic batch uploads.

  • Reduces all costs associated with old invoicing systems such as postage, handling, and paper invoicing.

  • Decreases field computation errors, reducing internal reconciliation work.

  • Increases time of repayment by 2-5 days, on average.

  • Allows customers to obtain an invoice at time of service/delivery.

  • Decreases customer concessions and write-offs as they agreed to the bill at time of service/delivery.

  • Time, date, and location (GPS coordinates) are captured at time of service, reducing customer billing disputes and improving route optimization solutions in the future.

How it works

  • Dispatchers download jobs (deliveries/service work) from back office system.

  • Work orders/jobs are displayed geographically on the screen.

  • Based on geography, traffic patterns, weather conditions, urgency and skill set, dispatcher grabs-drags-drops jobs onto best choice vehicles for delivery/service.

  • Daily work is automatically routed for shortest distance and fastest time.

  • Automates and simplifies the route planning process, creating routes that utilize fewer trucks across fewer miles.

  • Dispatcher can add, delete, or transfer work to or between fleet assets with the click of a mouse.

  • Dispatcher can re-optimize routes mid-day (after adding or removing jobs) with the click of a mouse for dynamic “on-the-fly” optimization.

  • Dispatcher can visually track real-time delivery/service information that allows for proactive decision-making for better customer service.

  • Dispatcher wirelessly sends optimized routes to driver/tech’s mobile hand-held in optimal sequence order (paperless) and can print the same for them.

  • Drivers have freedom to run routes from top to bottom or vice-versa, depending on their loading requirements, traffic patterns, or other factors.

  • System provides optimal routed miles that are compared to actual miles driven to create multi-part performance metrics for each driver/tech.

Affordable for any size delivery/service company

Similar solutions provided by most other vendors cost thousands of dollars more per vehicle as they continue to use older technology. With the advent of smart phones and tablets, Digital Dispatcher’s solution co-exists on the smart phone/tablet along with the field employee’s cell contract, making the hand-held and cellular cost insignificant. This amazing tool is also very easy to install, taking a fraction of the time most other options take. It is an extremely affordable solution that can be implemented quickly, providing a full payback in months, not years.


Increase Profits immediately without adding additional payroll or vehicle assets. Reduce administrative and operational costs with a solution that has been the industry leader for over 12 years.

Fuel Delivery.png
Route Optimization X.png
Real Time Updates X.png
Fleet Tracking X.png
Point of Sale Invoicing X.png
Inventory Tracking X.png
Instant Dispatch X.png
Electronic Batch Posting X.png
Turn By Turn Directions X.png
Flat Rate Billing X.png

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