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Training Cheat Sheets

This password protected, customer-only training content gives you all the information you need to master the software. Click the side menu to begin your Digital Dispatcher Jedi training.

Fuel Delivery.png
Route Optimization X.png
Real Time Updates X.png
Fleet Tracking X.png
Point of Sale Invoicing X.png
Inventory Tracking X.png
Instant Dispatch X.png
Electronic Batch Posting X.png
Turn By Turn Directions X.png
Flat Rate Billing X.png


When looking at an individual truck assignment you have a box in the top tool bar labeled Volume On Board. This will show you how much product that is currently on the truck. If the truck carries multiple products, the volume on board will be the total of all products.

The volume on board is controlled by the loadings sent back to the office from the drivers and the deliveries that are completed and sent back. As loads are sent back to the office the volume on board will increase and as deliveries are completed the volume will decrease.

There are times that the volume on board field will turn red. This means that the volume on board has exceeded the trucks capacity that was set up in the truck table. If the volume on board has turned yellow, then this should appear as a negative number. This would indicate that more product came off the truck then what was on board.

There are a few reasons that a trucks volume on board could differ from what is actually on board.

1. A driver could have entered the wrong quantity when sending back the amount that was loaded onto the truck. When checking out a drivers report, take the time to confirm that the volume on the loading ticket matches the volume sent back to the office. Make any volume corrections as needed at this point.

2. A delivery sent back to the office that was not assigned to the truck. In this case the job would appear in the Unmatched table. The volume on board will not adjust until the unmatched job has been posted to the truck. Any jobs sitting in the unmatched table should be addressed before the beginning of the next day. If they are not, the ending volume on board will be incorrect and carried over to the next day.

3. Because inventory is a moving target, things such as temperature compensation and meter calibration also play into volumes changing either plus or minus. In any case there are times that you will need to make adjustments to a trucks volume on board so that it agrees with what you know is on board. The best time to do this is when the truck empties out. Have the driver let you know when the truck empties out so that you can confirm that the volume on board agrees with the truck being empty. If it does not agree, then an adjustment needs to be made to the trucks inventory.


The screen shot above shows a truck with a negative Volume On Board. The load has not been sent from the driver yet so we will assume that the truck is actually empty. To adjust a negative volume on board you must do the following.

1. Go to File from the top tool bar and select Truck Table from the menu that opens.

2. From the truck table right click your mouse over the truck number you wish to edit the volume and select Compartments from the menu that opens. See screen shots on next page. A window will open showing all of the company product codes that have been assigned to the truck.

In some cases there could be several product codes for the same product as seen in the screen shot. In this case a B.O.L. (Bill of Laden) product code is created in the product set up file and all of the various product codes assigned to the truck that share the same characteristics will be pointed to the B.O.L. product code. It is the B.O.L. product code that the driver will use when sending back his loaded volume. In the screen shot you will see product #1 Propane that has a positive volume number. This number will continue to increase as loads are sent back to the office from the driver assigned to this truck. All of the other product codes that have been delivered by the truck will show a negative volume. The negative volumes will “grow” as jobs are completed and sent back.

If you were to add up all of the negative volumes and subtract that total from the positive number for product code #1, the difference should be equal to the volume on board that is showing on the dispatch screen.


3. Right click on the product code #1 line and choose Adjust Volume from the menu that opens.


4. Input the volume in the New Volume on Board field and select OK. Back out of the windows to get to the assignment screen and the volume on board will reset.

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