Training Cheat Sheets
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There are two ways to delete incomplete jobs from a driver’s assignment.
The first way would be suggested if you only have a couple of jobs to delete.
The procedure is as follows:
1. Select the date and truck number on the truck assignment screen.
2. Place your mouse curser over the job you want delete and right click. A small menu will open.
3. Select Delete Delivery and a window will open showing two delete options.
dDispatch Cancel Order (Sends a delete message to the phone/tablet and deletes the job off the screen).
Delete (Just deletes the job off the screen).
The second option for deleting a large number of jobs at once is as follows:
1. From the top tool bar select Mapping and a small menu will open.
2. Select Dispatch Map from this menu and the dispatch map will open.
3. In the upper left hand corner of the dispatch map is a small square labeled Dispatch To/On that contains a truck and date field.
4. Select the truck number and date of the assignment. You will now see the undelivered jobs which will appear in yellow on the dispatch map.
5. Take your mouse and create a box large enough to include all of the jobs you want to delete.
6. Place your mouse cursor within the box and right click it. A small menu will open.
7. Select Remove all assigned from truck’s route from the menu and the change delivery date window will open.
8. Mouse click in the Delivery Date field to open the calendar and choose a date in the far future. I would use a date a year from now. Mark this date down.
9. Once the date has been chosen, select OK at the bottom of the window and the jobs will disappear off the map.
10. You may now exit out of the dispatch map.
11. Go to the tool bar and select File and then Maintenance from the menu.
12. Select Clear Assign and a date range window will appear.
13. Insert the date that you reassigned the jobs to into the future in both the start and end fields and select OK.
14. You will receive a couple of confirmation windows. Hit OK to the questions. All of the jobs that were assigned to the future will be removed.
You can either do one truck at a time, or go through all of the trucks and dates and reassign the incomplete jobs to the same date in the future before using the Clear Assign function.