Training Cheat Sheets
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If you want to re-assign individual jobs from a truck to another truck, from the main Delivery screen, you can right click your mouse cursor over the job you want to re-assign and a small menu will open.
1. Select Re-assign from the menu and a window will open.

2. Click the assign to truck box and choose the truck to which you want to re-assign the job. At this point you may also choose to re-assign it to the unassigned screen.

3. Once you select to where you want to re-assign the job, then select the date from the delivery date box.

4. Once the job location and date have been selected, you may select either Post or Send depending on whether you want a message to be sent to the driver in the field. You should now find the job assigned to the truck number and date you selected.
To re-assign using the dispatch map go to the tool bar and select Mapping. A small menu will open.
5. Select Dispatch Map from the menu and a window will open showing a map. The Dispatch To/On date will default to today’s date.
6. Click your mouse on the truck box within the Dispatch To/On square and select the truck to which you wish to assign the jobs you are taking from another truck. You now have chosen the location and date to which you wish to move jobs.

7. The next step is to select where and what date you are going to pull the jobs from. In the Jobs From date box click you mouse cursor in the box to open the calendar. Select the date you wish to pull the jobs from. There are three bullets to the right of the Jobs From date box. You will want to select Only This Date.
8. You now need to select what truck that you want to pull the jobs from for the date that you selected in the Jobs From box. Go the box labeled Show Incomplete Jobs From Which Truck. Hit the down arrow on the right side of the box and a drop down box will open with a list of truck numbers. Select the truck number from where you wish to pull the jobs. Once this is done you will see purple squares on the map, which are the jobs you want re-assign. You will also want to uncheck the Show Unassigned check box at this point so that you do not see any jobs that are not currently assigned to a truck. These would show up as red squares on the map.
9. Now that you have selected what truck and date from where you are going to pull the jobs, and what truck and date to where you want to assign these jobs, use your mouse to draw a box around the jobs in purple.
10. Right click within the box and a small menu will open. Select Add To Truck’s Route from the menu. A window will open labeled Communication Send Request.

11. At this point you may choose to select Load Phone Database or wait until later to load the phone database which would make the jobs available to be sent to the server so that the driver can download the jobs into his phone/tablet.
12. Select OK on bottom right hand side of the window and the jobs will start to list on the left side of the dispatch map. Once this is complete, the jobs on the map will now turn yellow indicating that they are now assigned.
13. If you have completed adding jobs the truck, you can select Route Normally. This will optimize the route by putting the jobs in sequence order in which they are to be done.

14. To do a batch reassignment from a truck to the Unassigned screen, enter the Truck and Date in the upper left boxes of the Dispatch Map. Box the orders as described in step 9 above. Right click inside the box. Select ‘Remove all assigned from truck’s route’. You have the option to return the orders to the original Order Date, or move them to an Entered Date.